Theology of Mission

Such a great time of family, celebration and discipleship yesterday at Church!

I’m certain those that missed yesterdays service would claim it to be ‘a shame to have missed it’. At the same time, I’m thankful for those who are able to build into their families and communities by not attending. God’s Blessings to you if you attended or not!

Yesterday’s sermon revolved around the theology of mission, that it is the Triune God’s mission that we are invited to partner with (Missio Dei Trinitas) rather than just trying really hard to do the mission of the church (Missio Ekklesia). When the focus/initiative of mission starts from God, it takes the pressure off of us to be ‘effective evangelists who bring people to attractive church models to ‘be a part of the club”.

In fact, it’s only when the church is in alignment with this Mission Dei, that we’re truly being church. I’m reminded of the passage in Matt 6:33 where it says “Seek first God’s kingdom, and his righteousness and all the rest will be added to you…”

Today I was emailed a journal article by Craig (our pastor on long service leave) regarding Dallas Willard’s thoughts on Mission and Spiritual formation. In it the author expressed a similar notion, that the Trinity, in sending Jesus and the Holy Spirit, have been working throughout history, and that true mission occurs when God’s Church comes alongside what God is already doing in the world.

“Can it be that Jesus is not confined to his Church? If this question is pondered but for a moment, we must answer yes. The first chapter of Colossians alone would require such a conclusion. “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation.” Just this short statement gives warrant to the
reality of Christ outside time, space, and institutions, even the church. He is the head of the church, but not confined to it. He was before the Church; he will reign after the institution of the church has expired.”

-Hull, Bill. “A Reluctant Prophet: How Does Professor Willard Propose to Take over the World?”, Journal of spiritual formation & soul care 3, no. 2 (2010): 283-95.

What does that mean for us as a church? Attractional services are nice, but lead to “consumer church”, missional Church on the other hand happens when we consider ourselves outside of our 4-wall church community and a part of the broader work of God throughout history. “Where two or three are gathered there I am also.” (Mt 18:20) Dallas goes even further to contend, (And I agree wholeheartedly along with Craig) that the only way to be truly effective in these new spaces is to be a true apprentice to Christ and living in line with his Kingdom precepts. Go read your bible! Find a non-distracting place to contemplate or meditate on scripture and be open to the Spirit of God speaking to you in these places. Even if it’s only 5 -10 minutes. If something is worth doing it’s worth doing poorly (to start). It’s only when we are in alignment with God’s values are we able to truly make an impact in our community. (Love God, Love others)

Further blog reading that might be helpful for you this week along this vein is:

Every blessing in Christ to you this week as you go on mission with Christ this week living out kingdom values to our community..


Interim Pastor

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